Exploring the Hidden History of the Vale of Glamorgan

December 27, 2015

Excavations at Cosmeston Medieval Village

Discovered during the development of Cosmeston lakes country park in the late 1970's, the remains of the medieval village at Cosmeston have fascinated archaeologists, historians and members of the public ever since. So much so-that the excavated buildings, all of which have been dated to the early fourteenth century, were re-constructed upon their original foundations in order to provide an accurate interpretation and picture of life within a medieval village. Cosmeston has since become a much celebrated tourist attraction.

Since its discovery the medieval village of Cosmeston has been subject to various archaeological excavations, the first of which was carried out by the Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust during the early 1980's. Cosmeston was again excavated during the early 1990's by Wessex Archaeology. From 2008-2011 it was the turn of Cardiff University to excavate Cosmeston. 

(One of the reconstructed medieval buildings at Cosmeston)

Owing to a lack of encroachment by modern development the remains at Cosmeston were very well preserved. These remains have provided archaeologists with not only detailed information regarding the lives of the inhabitants of Cosmeston, but have also served to provide interesting details regarding medieval settlements within the wider context of Glamorgan.

The excavations at Cosmeston have uncovered the remains of various buildings associated with rural medieval settlement. For example, buildings associated with agriculture such as a barn and bake-house were discovered at Cosmeston. These types of buildings were seemingly a feature of the typical medieval village. Excavations at nearby Old Barry Village and Merthyr Dyfan have uncovered similar structures.

(The reconstructed bake-house at Cosmeston)

Domestic structures are also well represented at Cosmeston. Several examples of the peasant type cot, were uncovered. These structures were a typical feature of every medieval village throughout Glamorgan.

Something which surprised the excavators at Cosmeston however was the discovery of an early farm complex. These types of farms, which characteristically tend to exhibit a series of buildings with different functions, is something generally not seen in archaeology until the fifteenth century, although they are not unknown from the fourteenth century. This farm building has been given the title of "Reeves House". It is also curious to note that no church or chapel has been uncovered at Cosmeston.  This too is quite unusual. Cosmeston is absent from both of the major surveys of the medieval period-namely the Norwich Taxation of 1254, and the Taxatio of 1291-2.

                                     (View of some of the reconstructed houses at Cosmeston)

Despite a wealth of information being unearthed regarding Cosmeston's apotheosis as a settlement during the early fourteenth century, there has been scant information unearthed regarding the formative years of Cosmeston's existence, despite there existing a wealth of documentary evidence. 

Cosmeston as a settlement began its existence during the early part of the twelfth century as a sub-manor of Sully and was rated at one knight's fee. The earliest reference to Cosmeston dates from 1151 when one Gilbert de Constentin is recorded as being a witness to a charter being granted for Margam. The Liber Niger, or Black book of the Exchequer, of 1165, makes reference to a certain Robertus de Constantino, as being the holder of one knight's fee at Cosmeston.

The goal for the Cardiff University excavations at Cosmeston was therefore to try and uncover any remains relating to this early phase of Cosmeston's existence. Another aim of the Cardiff University excavations was to try and unearth the exact location of Cosmeston's manor house. 

A geophysical survey which was undertaken within the confines of the village area was unable to discern any structures. This was due to the fact that the whole of the village area was covered with a dense rubble spread making the interpretation of any archaeology difficult. It was therefore decided to open up a series of trenches immediately adjacent to the 'Mile Road', as the remains of the medieval garden and dovecote associated with the manor house are located close within the adjacent field. 

Two long trenches were opened up. Trench one was located at the north angle of the village-field next to the 'Mile Road', and extended along its boundary line terminating near to Sully Brook. Trench two was opened at the southern extremity of trench one and extended eastwards towards the reconstructed village. In addition to these trenches it was also decided to re-open one of the initial trial trenches that was dug in the opposite field during the 2008 excavation. This trench was the site of a substantial dry stone wall which was uncovered during the last few days of the 2008 excavation.

(Rubble spread occupying trench two after the top soil had been removed)

Excavations began on the 26th of June when the assembled team of students began to remove the turf and the first six inches of topsoil from the trenches within the village field. The first six inches of all trenches revealed a mixture of pottery from the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries. This is not surprising as during this period Cosmeston had long recovered from the disasters of the fourteenth century was again a thriving community. 

The trench opened in the dovecot field revealed dating evidence in regards to the dry-stone wall structure found during the 2008 excavation. This dating evidence for the most part consisted of pottery sherds dating from the fifteenth century through to the eighteenth century, the majority of which were found in the demolition layers associated with this building. This pottery helped to establish a fifteenth century terminus post quem. In addition, a worn 4d of Elizabeth I was found in the rubble surrounding the dry-stone wall indicating that this building was demolished and stripped of its stone at around the early-mid 17th Century. Being however only but a small portion of the extant building the conclusions that could be drawn from it were limited.

(View of the dry-stone wall in the re-opened 2008 trench)

Some interesting features were uncovered throughout the excavation. A substantial section of rubble-infilled wall was uncovered at the intersection of trench one and two near the Mile Road gate-style. The wall was large, and it transcended the two metre trench width.  The size of this wall is indicative of it once being a part of a large structure. Interestingly, a medieval document dating from 1437/8, makes reference to a construction site for a house next to an existing tower. This tower was evidently a part of the earlier manor complex. Quantities of fifteenth century green glazed roof tiles were found in lower context of this trench suggesting that the building was extant during the fifteenth century. It is likely that this wall was a part of the manor complex at Cosmeston.

(The substantial stretch of stone wall excavated at the intersection of trench one and two)

In common with every other feature excavated thus far, the walls of this particular structure had been robbed of most of their stone. A stone lined drainage feature was found contiguous to the wall in trench one. This drainage feature would have extended down to Sully Brook. The remains of a cobbled floor were also uncovered in this area. The drainage feature is likely a later addition to the manor complex at Cosmeston and was likely built to help cope with the deteriorating climate of the latter part of the fourteenth century 

The north end of trench one near Sully Brooke constantly yielded an enormous amount of pottery dating from the fifteenth century through to the eighteenth century. Also found were animal bones and metal objects such as fish hooks and copper coins, indicating that this area was once a midden associated with the post-medieval phase of Cosmeston.   

In contrast to trench one-trench two revealed nothing of great interest. A single medieval structure was uncovered. The author discovered within the demolition layers of this structure a bronze thimble of medieval date. In the same demolition layer was discovered an eighteenth century button, which indicates that substantial remains of this building were in existence until the eighteenth century when during this time it was robbed of its stone. 

                           (Remains of a medieval wall found in the east section of trench two

The Cardiff University excavations of 2009 served to add to our body of knowledge regarding the archaeology of Cosmeston. The large structure located at the intersection of trench one and two was of particular interest and very likely represents the site of a later medieval manor house. No evidence however of any Norman period buildings was uncovered during this season. This is not surprising, as any earlier structures were likely constructed with perishable materials, and would have most likely been destroyed by later developments. 

©Jonathan and Mark Lambert 2015

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